Lesson’s from Dagon’s House I Samuel 5
The prophet Samuel records the capture of the Ark of the Covenant from God’s people and the placement of this spoil of war in the temple of the Philistine god Dagon. Dagon is said to be a god of fertility; part fish and part man. This was the god in whom they gloated in the defeat of Samson. The Ark of the Covenant represents the presence, power, and provision of God. It was completed by the mercy seat, the place of atonement. It contained the Aaron’s rod which budded, the golden pot of manna, and stones with God’s commandments upon them. Truly when the Ark of God was taken, the glory of the Lord had departed from Israel. The Philistines thought that their god had given them this great victory over the God of the Israelites. In just the chapter before the Philistines found themselves in fear as the Ark of God entered the camp of Israel and they shouted so that the earth [...]