Heaven: How to Know for Sure
Any idea where you’re headed if your life should end today? Are you aware that you can be 100% sure that all your past, present and future sins are forgiven and that you will spend eternity in heaven?
How to get to heaven from Coopersburg
You must turn from your sin and place all your dependence upon Jesus Christ as your only way to God: God doesn’t take “good” people to Heaven, He takes people who know they are lost and sinful and need a Savior. When we repent of our sin and turn in humility trusting in Jesus alone to save us, God promises us forgiveness and a new birth to eternal life and a real relationship with Him (John 1:11-13; Romans 10:9-13).
My prayer of faith to the Lord
“Dear God, I know that I have sinned against you. I believe you are holy and hate sin and that I deserve death and hell. I believe you love me and sent Jesus to pay for my sins. He died in my place and rose again, that I might be forgiven and have eternal life. Right now, I am willing to turn from my sin and completely depend on Jesus alone to save me and make me acceptable for Heaven. Please come into my life as Lord and Savior and make me a new child of God.”
Will you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior from sin and have your eternal destiny settled? If you will sincerely call out to God, depending on Jesus alone, you can be saved forever.