Divine Help
Psalm 121:1 <A Song of degrees.> I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. God is the source of help for the believer. In any difficulty, trial, affliction, or trouble, God is the one to whom we must look. Psalm 121, in this beautiful song, presents this God of help. David had a proper perspective in his difficulties. He would lift up his eye, far away from his problems. He would look up to the hills and even higher to the Lord. When we are in the valley of trouble and turmoil, we must make the same choice. We must choose to lift our eyes up to the Lord. Sadly many keep their focus within the vale of their present trouble. They seek to find help from man, or to work their way out of their own difficulty. When strength fails, and the limited resources of man’s [...]