Divine Help

Psalm 121:1 <A Song of degrees.> I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. God is the source of help for the believer. In any difficulty, trial, affliction, or trouble, God is the one to whom we must look. Psalm 121, in this beautiful song, presents this God of help. David had a proper perspective in his difficulties. He would lift up his eye, far away from his problems. He would look up to the hills and even higher to the Lord. When we are in the valley of trouble and turmoil, we must make the same choice. We must choose to lift our eyes up to the Lord. Sadly many keep their focus within the vale of their present trouble. They seek to find help from man, or to work their way out of their own difficulty. When strength fails, and the limited resources of man’s [...]

2020-03-31T16:21:04-04:00March 31st, 2020|Articles|

Let not Your Heart be Troubled

John 14:1-6 Hearts today in this world are troubled. People don’t have certainty about their future, their finances, their families, even their physical fitness. The Lord Jesus does not want our hearts to be troubled. He has just finished telling His disciples that He will be leaving them. This is cause for much uncertainty for the future. Hearts began to be troubled as thoughts passively arose and took control of the minds of these disciples. The Lord loves His disciples and does not desire that their hearts be carried about by the storm of what might be. The cure for troubled hearts is to not dwell on what might or may be but rather what is spiritual reality. The Lord Jesus gives this imperative along with some helps to troubled hearts. Rest-1: Imperative to stop letting allowing yourself and heart to be troubled. Don’t let your heart be carried off with its own thoughts. Our minds need to be reigned in to truth and [...]

2020-03-19T11:46:32-04:00March 19th, 2020|Articles|
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