Follow His Steps Youth Ministry
A Note from Pastor David J. Smith
I would like to welcome you to the ministry to youth at Community Baptist Church. We desire to see young people grounded in their relationship with Jesus Christ and upon the Word of God. We preach the Word of God and stress the need for young people to have godly convictions in this world. We come along side dad and mom in assisting them to help their young people grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
We meet on Sunday mornings for teaching from the Word of God. We also meet on Wednesday’s for P.ractical C.hristian L.iving (PCL) which gives young people an opportunity to share their faith, as well as a practical teaching hour to strengthen their walk with the Savior.
You are invited to join us Wednesday evenings as we meet with our church family for a time of prayer and a timely message from the Word of God.
Our end goal can be found in I Peter 2:21. Young Person, “Follow His Steps”!