Anatomy of an Divine Appointment

The Anatomy of an Divine Appointment Acts 8 Philip the Evangelist was being used by the Lord to see souls converted to the Saviour in the town of Samaria. There were souls believing and great joy among the people. God asks Philip to leave this area of ministry and go toward the south. Philip is about to be used by God for a Divine Appointment to witness. Somewhere down south God has been working on the heart of a man who is ready to receive Christ. What are some of the components of a Divine Appointment? God’s Providence: God’s Divine plan for souls to be saved God had been meeting with Philip in Samaria and there is Spiritual Fruit. God asks Philip to Get up and Go! God’s Preacher: A Man with an intimate relationship with the Lord A Faithful Man: The Lord is able to entrust to Philip this task because he is already working for the Lord. A Surrendered Man: [...]

2018-04-27T11:51:53-04:00April 27th, 2018|Articles|

Christ Revealed in Me

Galatians 1:15-16 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood: The pleasure and purpose of God for the life of the Apostle Paul is evident. God had separated this man from his mother’s womb for His special purpose. This purpose involved Apostleship, Sanctification, and Preaching of Christ to the heathen. This special calling is not on the basis of merit, but strictly upon the Grace of God. While the Lord does not call men and women to be Apostles today, He certainly does call believers out of this world and to be identified with His dear Son. He as well calls all believers to be a preacher of the Gospel of His Son. God desires that His Son Jesus would be revealed in each believer. Christ indwells the heart of the believer [...]

2018-04-19T13:03:00-04:00April 19th, 2018|Articles|


FORGIVENess-What God’s Word says God’s Word is just that, the Words of God. What does God teach about my forgiving another who has wronged me or another? Many times we have heard the words, “I can’t forgive.” We can properly translate this statement as, “I won’t forgive.” Forgiveness is really a choice of the will, whether we feel like forgiving or not. God has commanded us to forgive. Really forgiveness is one of man’s most basic needs, because he is born a sinner-breaking the laws of God. The ground is very level when it comes to the need of forgiveness. Those who have been forgiven by God have not only the divine mandate to forgive, but the divine motivation stemming from their own forgiveness. Forgiveness is not forgetting but rather choosing to releases one from the guilt who has wronged me! Forgiveness not only releases the offender but also the offended. 1. Jesus teaches us that we are to forgive: Matthew 5:23-24: If I [...]

2018-04-05T11:41:56-04:00April 5th, 2018|Articles|
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