An Effective Gospel Minister
The Apostle Paul writes to the Ephesian believers, saints in Christ to share of their spiritual wealth and then their walk. Paul shares his calling to them in chapter three. Paul was an effective preacher of the Gospel. As we approach the end of the year and the Christmas season, we must ask the Lord to help us be effective preachers of the Gospel.
What made Paul an effective Gospel preacher?
- Unwavering Commitment—vs. 1 He was in prison for the sake of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the most important thing for men to hear—He would go to prison for Christ.
- Unparalleled Stewardship—vs. 2-5 A dispensation or stewardship of God’s grace had been revealed to Paul in this New Testament dispensation. This revelation was made known by the Spirit of God to His men-written In the Scriptures. These truths were not made known in the Old Testament. God is a dispensationalist—He has stewardships with truth in which He holds men accountable to. Revelation given to mankind is a stewardship for which we are accountable to God for.
- Unbelievable Privilege—vs. 6 Gentiles can now be a part of the Family of God-fellowheirs; Church of God-body; Kingdom of God-partakers of the promise in Christ
- Unworthy preacher-vs. 7-8 We are ministers of the Gospel-We have been given the grace of God not just to keep for ourselves, but to communicate it to others.
- To be a minister is because of the grace of God working in my life. I Corinthians 15:9-10; I Cor. 3:4-5, 7
- To be a minister is a gift
- To be a minster is only because of God’s effectual working of His power. II Cor. 4:7
- **Paul was not a big name celebrity preacher;
Understanding of our own undeserving, unworthiness. Less than the least of all saints-inferior. (This is humility, not low self esteem complex; when I am weak then He is strong. Paul was so empty of self that he could be so filled with the Spirit.) (Out of weakness were made strong—God’s strength is made perfect in weakness) The man who goes in the confidence of his flesh will certainly fall. Some preachers are so full of self they cannot be filled with the Spirit and thus God cannot use them.
- Undeserving Sinners—vs. 6, 8, 9 Paul was communicating the gospel that had changed his life to the Gentiles, and all men. He wants all men to see the grace of God; the gospel of God. The Gospel is for all men—II Timothy 2; Luke 2:10 Which shall be to all people. (Calvinist Christmas) Sinners can become Saints… What a joyous message. Shepard and King alike.
- Unsearchable Saviour—vs. 8 Paul was making all men to see the riches of Christ. Unsearchable-unknowable; unfathomable; inestimable; un-comprehendable; unmeasurable; inexhaustible. Romans 11:33 God’s ways are past finding out. We cannot add up or understand in this dispensation the riches of Christ our Savior. 1:7; 1:18; 2:4; 2:7—dispensationally while the ages roll God will eternally show us the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Jesus Christ. It will take eternity to know the storehouses of God’s riches and kindnesses. He is Emmanuel—God with us; Jesus-Jehovah Saves
Paul had a proper view of the Gospel, God’s Revelation, Himself, all men, and the Saviour!
Will I this New Year rededicate myself to an Unwavering Commitment?
Will I this New Year remember the Unparalleled Stewardship of revealed truth?
Will I this New Year recognize the Unbelievable Privilege to be saved?
Will I this New Year realize daily I am an Unworthy Preacher?
Will I this New Year reach an Undeserving Sinner with the Gospel message?
Will I this New Year rejoice in my Unsearchable Saviour?