Tracing the Grace in the Lineage of Jesus Christ
Matthew Chapter 1 records the earthly record of the birth of Jesus Christ from Abraham to Mary the wife of Joseph. We can tend to skip over or through genealogies and miss the lessons that are there for us. The Lord recorded each of these individuals intentionally.
Just as people today study their family tree to learn about their past history, we can learn some lessons by looking at Jesus earthly father’s lineage.
Matthew chapter 1 divides into three parts:
- The book of the generations of Jesus Christ
- The birth of Jesus Christ
- The blessing of the birth of Jesus Christ
This book of generations reveals that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the promises of the Gospel first preached to Abraham. Galatians 3:8; Genesis 12:17
This book of generations reveals that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the promise of David’s seed ruling upon David’s throne. II Samuel 7
This book of the generation reveals that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the promise of the virgin born Son of God. He was the seed of the woman and not the seed of the man. Genesis 3:15 He is both Jesus, and Christ! Joseph here is his earthly father, but not his physical one. Jesus birth is supernatural, scriptural, and saving!
This lineage traces God’s redemptive plan through the ages at just the fullness of time.
Let us Trace the Grace of God in these names:
- The Lord uses Imperfect Consider that within this genealogy, God calls attention and includes 5 ladies: . 5 out of 42 generations of fathers, include a mother’s name
- Thamar—Hidden: forgotten in her father’s house; incest with father in law’
- Rahab—Harlot in Jericho who made the choice to fear the God of Israel; She by faith hid the spies. She births the Son Boaz who becomes the kinsman redeemer to Ruth and a picture of Jesus Christ.
- Ruth—Heathen; a gentile outsider, idol worshipper who turned to follow the God of Naomi and was redeemed by Boaz
- Bathsheba—Helpmate; guilty of adultery with King David, yet forgiven by the Lord and used in the line of the Saviour
- Mary—Handmaid of the Lord; the mother of Jesus; sinner who needed a Saviour, yet surrendered as the handmaid of the Lord, believing the promises of God’s Word.
- Each of these individuals are fallen, yet forgiven, sinners who in God’s providence were privileged to be used by God to bring the Messiah. Imperfect people brought the perfect Son of God into the world.
- These ladies are “saved” in child bearing; they were broken vessels—instruments through which the Lord was able to be born.
- The Lord uses Unlikely people
- Some were outsiders, some set aside, some unknown from small towns.
- I Corinthians 1:26-31 Then the Lord receives the glory. Man would pick the Eliab over the David
- The Lord uses Undeserving people
- Grace is undeserved favor. These ladies did not deserve to be used, yet God chose to use them. His favor was given to them to bear children.
- It was God’s grace that enabled them to be used in God’s eternal redemption plan
- God in His grace is not looking for perfect people, but available people.
- God’s grace cam transcend man’s sinful choices and failures and use it for His glory.
- Romans 5:20 Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.
The Lord is still seeking imperfect, unlikely, undeserving saved sinners today to be used in His eternal redemption plan. He is looking for available people who will be willing to share the gospel of Christ with those around them. Are you submitted and humble toward the Lord’s will?
Will you be by God’s Grace, be used in God’s redemptive plan to bring souls to salvation in 2020?