Being a Mighty Man of Valour-I Chronicles 5:24-25
We could like to consider what it means to be a Mighty Man of Valour. Understanding valour as having a capacity as a man; to be qualified; to be fit with ability
Mighty—God has called me to do all, with all my might
Man—God has called me as a man to step up to leadership
Of Valour—The proper blend of ability and courageous action
These men of valour in the Scripture had the capacity to fight and win battles. They were skilled at what they did. Many men here this weekend have the capacity and skill with a weapon, a tool, a computer, a fishing pole, and the list can go on. How can I be skilled as a Mighty Man of Valour?
The term mighty man of valour generally refers to a soldier being prepared to fight the battle with courage. Now more than ever in today’s culture we need men who have the spiritual capacity to stand up for the Captain of their salvation, Jesus Christ. We are reminded in I Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, where unto thou art also called and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses…”
A Man of Valor is a saved man with spiritual priorities and courage to follow through, no matter what the cost.
- God is looking for Men of Valour who will stand against the pull of their flesh and the enticements of temptation by the devil.
- God is looking for Men of Valour who will take seriously their covenant of marriage and their responsibilities as both husband and father as the spiritual leader of their home.
- God is looking for Men of Valour who will be courageous in their stand for the Word of God and the need for obedience to its authority.
- God is looking for Men of Valour who will prioritize the House of God with their families, recognizing the blessing of not forsaking the assembling with God’s people.
- God is looking for Men of Valour who have a hearts devotion to serve the Lord Jesus in the tasks which He has called them to.
- God is looking for Men of Valour to stand apart and alone from the crowd, willing to despise the shame of going against the grain of culture.
Men who are capable–Possessing a skill set of wisdom—In order to fight the battle laid before me, I must recognize that I cannot lean on my own understanding. I must seek His wisdom. (Pr. 3:5-6; James 1:5)
Men who have character–Having virtue and morality –Courage does me no good unless I have the spiritual character to do right when off the battle field. Many men can win victory on the battle front and lose on the home front. (I Chron. 20)
Men who have conviction—Taking an unshakable stand—I must know what the Word of God says and be convicted in our hearts that I will obey. The battle will be lost unless I have conviction before the time of testing about what I will and will not allow. (Daniel 1:8)
Men who have courage—Looking forward not back—God is looking for men who have the humility and faith to depend upon Him for victory in the battle. God will supply the boldness as I learn to depend upon Him. True boldness can come as I learn that He is with me. (Judges 6:11-12)
Men who have compassion—Tough and Tender—A man of valor is able to have a heart for others. He has strong hands, prepared to hold the sword in battle, yet he gently leads his family. He leads with tender authority—meekness. I as a man of valor must know from what the Lord has saved me and have a fervent desire to share the gospel of Christ with other lost sinners. (Genesis 33:13-14; John 1:40-41)
Man of Valour have spiritual capacity:
What area of my life do I need to ask the Lord to help me to be a Man of Valour?
Do I need more Capability? Character? Conviction? Courage? Compassion?
I dare say that on a scale of 1-10 we have much room for improvement.