Are You Made Free or Set Free?
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
This verse is often misquoted by substituting set for make: …the truth shall set you free. The English Standard Version translates it this way. On the surface, this doesn’t sound like a big deal. The underlying Greek could be translated set free.
So what is the problem? Most old westerns explain it very well. When one of the local bank robbers was put in jail, his fellow gang members would blaze into town, blow up the jail and set him free. Now, he certainly was free from his prison but was he really “free?” No. In the eyes of the law he was still a guilty man and eventually he was usually recaptured to serve his sentence. Now, if there was a man in jail and the sheriff came in with a judge’s order that said he was innocent and should be released; he was made free. He could walk out of jail and no one would ever hunt him down for that crime.
The translators of our King James Bible were very aware of that subtle difference. Every time it is translated it indicates that a moral or mortal liability or guilt has been taken away and the recipient is exempt from guilt. Paul knew this when he wrote, For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2
So, are you set free or made free? The guilty who are running around freely committing sin will ultimately face the Righteous Judge. He will execute proper justice. Christ died to offer everyone the opportunity to have their guilt removed and be made free. Have you been made free?
Brother William Gotwals