Joshua chapter three records the journey of the children of Israel up to the Jordan River. God speaks to them through His servant Joshua to sanctify themselves because the Lord will do wonders among them. God had commanded them to cross over the river, yet the river overflows its banks during the harvest season. The path is obstructed, the way unsurpassable, the situation impossible. For at least one night the children of Israel are camped with no way to move forward. Many thoughts could have gone through their minds, many doubts, many fears, and questions. God had told them based upon that which He would do, they would know that He was among them. God would surely keep His promise and bring them into the promised land and most assuredly give them victory over their enemies, even when the odds were against them, yet here they are in their tents on this side of the river, with only a promise. What should the children of Israel do under such hard circumstances? What should any child of God do when they have reached the edge of the water and there is not another human step that can be taken? They must move forward in faith according to what God’s Word has said.
Faith steps into the water obeying the command of the Lord, trusting His word (Joshua 3:13; Hebrews 11:1, 6). The waters did not part until the feet of the priests were actually in the water. Faith takes the step based upon the promise of God and finds that God’s Word is true. Faith believes that the results will take place without having to experience them.
Faith steps into the water even though it is contrary to thought (Joshua 3:15). There will be logical roadblocks to our faith. Faith does not have to make common sense. It would seem foolish to step into a flooding river, perhaps even downright dangerous, but when God has called and commanded, one must step out obediently by faith.
Faith stands in the middle of the river on dry ground(Joshua 3:17). Faith allows one to go where others cannot. Those who will not be all in and trust God will never stand where they have the privilege of experiencing the mighty hand of God and knowing that He is personally among them. They will be relegated to viewing God working in the lives of those who believe His Word enough to take the next step by faith.
Faith is blessed by memorials(Joshua 4:1-9; Hebrews 11). True to His Word, God parted the river, the priests stood on dry ground, and Israel passed through on dry ground. Faith allowed them to reach the other side and look back as the river returned to his strength. Faith allowed them to set up memorials of stones for their children to come as a testimony of the working of their God. Can I show and tell my children with my “pile of stones” what the Lord has done for me?
Faith works that which is eternal(Joshua 4:9). Those who step out in faith accomplish that which will last forever. To live without faith is to live for the here and now and to miss opportunities to impact lives for eternity. Take that step of faith. Witness to a co-worker or a neighbor. Begin to obey in giving your tithes and offerings. Begin or continue to have family devotions. Begin and continue your prayer life. The stone memorial stands somewhere in the middle of the Jordan river as you read these thoughts.
Step into the water.