Genesis chapter twenty two records the sacrificing of Isaac upon the altar. The Everlasting God whom Abraham had learned to follow in faith and obedience came down to test Abraham. The Lord God knew Abram and that he would command his children to walk after the Lord and to obey Him. Now God desires to test Abraham.
The Lord tests the love of Abraham. It had long been the desire of Abraham to have a son through which he would be a blessing to the nations of the world. In fact, this son, Isaac was the promised son from God. He was the fulfillment of multiple prophecies. Now Abraham had grown to love his son. The Lord was testing the love of Abraham to see if he loved anything or anyone upon this earth more than his relationship with Almighty God. It is God’s desire that His children love Him more supremely than any other earthly relationship. As I examine myself before the Lord, as I test my love, is there any relationship or object which holds more of my affection than the Lord Jesus Christ?
The Lord tests the obedience of Abraham. True love does not just evidence itself in words and promises, but it results in acts of devotion, sacrifice, and obedience. When a man is truly devoted to the Lord, he is willing to hold nothing back. He spares nothing when it comes to fulfilling the Word of the Lord. Abraham had a choice. He could either obey the impulses and suggestions of the flesh, to “preserve” his son, or he could step out in complete obedience to the Lord. Obedience is not always easy. In this case, obedience cost Abraham perhaps that thing which he loved the most upon the earth. Should believers expect that a life of obedience should cost them nothing? Abraham had “as good as slain” his son in the eyes of the Lord. He had fully made up his mind to obey. Imagine the realization of the gravity of this choice as he, rose early in the morning, saddled his ass, and clave the wood for this offering. Abraham took care and the time to build an altar before the Lord, lay the wood in order upon it, and then bind his son and lay him upon the altar. Then in complete obedience and love he stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son. He had made the choice to obey.
The Lord tests the faith of Abraham. Love and Obedience must be mixed with faith. It took faith for Abraham to leave the land of Ur and walk through Canaan with the Lord. Now faith is put to the ultimate test. Now that Abraham had believed God for the provision of the promised seed, God asks that he place this precious, promised son upon the altar and slay him. No doubt, Abraham was question and wondering why God would ask such a thing of him. Even though Abram would have wondered why, he does not seem to doubt the goodness and plan of God. He accepts what God asks of Him. His faith is strong. He does not waver. How he must have wrestled with God in prayer that night before. How he must have pled with the Lord while they trekked for three days and as they ascended the mount. How he must have cried out to the Lord when he placed his hand upon the knife. He had learned to trust the plan of the Lord. Believers today have the completed revelation from God and they know that God was testing Abraham. Abraham did not have all of these details. He had to simply trust God. Consider just how strong Abraham’s faith was, “By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.”
Abraham is said two times to have offered up his son. He did not withhold him during this test. He passed the test. Greater than this, Abraham offering up his only begotten son upon Mount Moriah becomes a living picture of what it would be like when the Everlasting God, whom Abraham loved, obeyed, and believed, would offer up His only Begotten Son upon Mount Calvary for the sins of mankind. Abraham spoke these powerful words, “My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering.” Truly God did provide the Lamb which taketh away the sins of the world.
Every one of us as Believers will undergo the testing of God, each one of us in different manners. Let us not think it a strange thing, but rather rejoice, and let patience have her perfect work. Love, Obedience, and Faith are on the line in the testing of God. As I examine these three qualities in my life, how do they measure up? Am I in complete devotion to the Lord more than any other earthly relationship? Am I in complete obedience to the Lord no matter what fleshly reasoning might say? Am I in complete trust in the providential plan of the Lord? Am I able to pass the test?